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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1973;11(3):276-284.
논문편 : 접착심지에 관한 연구 - 부직포 접착심지의 접착방법을 중심으로 -
Studies on Adhesive Nonwovenfabrics for Padding Cloths
Hwa Kyung Seong
An experiment, aimed at finding out the adhesive condition when adhesive non-woven fabrics for padding cloths are used for padding cloths of blouse, has been conducted. Materials used were three different kinds-scoured, sanforized, and permanent pressed- of combined fabrics of polyester and cotton. As for padding cloth material, mixed spinning nonwoven fabrics of polyster and viscose rayon have been used. Adhesive conditions were made each at , , and , respectively, and adhesive time has been limited to 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 seconds each. External appearance as well as quality have been watched through washing experiment. In case of 12, all experimental materials were separated at the seventh washing and as for , all but the material which has been attached on scoured cloth for 40 seconds were separated. In case of 20 seconds only permanent pressed cloth and sanforized cloth were separated. At 30 and 40 seconds, the adhesive conditions have been maintained up to the seventh washing. In case of 5 seconds it was not turned yellow, but all were separated. In case of 10, 20, 30 and 40 seconds, at above temperature all were turned yellow in the adhesive process. Therefore, the adhesive power could be said strong enough, though it was not very practical. In this experiment, the lower the temperature of iron is, the longer time it has to be touched. At higher temperature however, relatively short time makesn it possible for adhesion and depending upon the finishing methode of cloth, there is slight difference in adhesive power. As a result, the best adhesive condition for all experimental materials is of iron temperature, and the time of adhesion is between 30 and 40 seconds.
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