Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(1):171-183.
Needs for the employer-supported day care service of the married man and women workers
곽인숙, 홍성희
The purposes of this study were to identify the needs for the employer-supported day care service and to analyze the factors related to the needs for the day care service of the married employees. KLFI(1995)'s National data were used and three Logistic models and one Catmod model were employed to analyse the effects of the independent variables on the needs for the day care service. The results of this study were as follows: First, half of employed workers needed the employer-supported child care service. Second, they preferred the day care center near their residential area than in their work site. Third, according to their age, type of occupation, and their difficulties for the childcare and household work, employed men and women needs on site day care differently. Finally, their needs for the expenditure of duty care service differed by their age, sex, and occupation, and their levels of difficulties for the childcare and household work. These findings suggest that duty care service for the employed man and woman are supported diversely according to their needs and preferences.