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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(1):139-154.
도시가계의 교통비 지출 변화 : 1985 - 1998
전윤숙, 이희숙
충북대학교 가정관리학과, 충북대학교 가정관리학과
The Changes in Transportation Expenditure Patterns of Urban Households During 1985-1998
전윤숙, 이희숙
The purpose of this study was to identify the changes in transportation expenditure patterns of urban households during 1985-19o8. The data were drawn from 'Annual Report on the family Income and Expenditure Survey' by National Statistical Office, Republic of Korea. For data analysis, frequency, percentile, mean, and multiple regression analysis were utilized by the SAS window program. The results of this study were as follows; Frist, the levels of public transportation expenditure showed increasing trend, whereas the portions of public transportation expenditure have showed decreasing trend during 1985-1998. And both the level and the portion of private transportation expenditure showed increasing trends during 1985-1998. Second, the marginal propensities to consume of public transportation have decreased, whereas the marginal propensities to consume of private transportation have increased during 1985-1998. Third, income elasticities of public transportation showed decreasing trend during 1985-1998, impling that consumers have less demand public transportation with increasing income. And income elasticities of private transportation showed increasing trend till 1993, and then showed decreasing trend till 1998, impling that consumers have perceived the car as one of necessary goods rather than luxury goods gradually since 1993.
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