대구근교농촌노인의 생활만족도에 관한 연구 |
서말희1, 유가효2 |
계명대학교 대학원 가정관리학과1, 계명대학교 생활과학부 가족복지학과2 |
A Study on the Life Satisfaction of the Rural Olders near Taegu Metropolitan City |
서말희1, 유가효2 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships of the social demographic variables, health variables, and family environmental variables to life satisfaction of rural olders, to identify their problems and to find good directions to enhance the welfares for the rural olds who are in poor life situations. The results are as follows : 1. The male old's satisfaction were higher than the female old's one. The life satisfaction didn't show differences according to the age or religion. But, the higher educational level, the higher life satisfaction was shown. The higher the economic status, the higher life satisfaction was shown. 2. The degree of life satisfaction had meaningful differences on the number of disease and health situation. The more disease they have, the lower life satisfaction was shown. 3. The life satisfaction of the rural old was highest when they live together with their married children than living alone. When they have spouse, the life satisfaction was high. And, as the relation with their children was close, the life satisfaction was high. So, it is thought the children have great influences to the rural old. 4. In the multiple regression analysis, It was found that physical health, the relationship with their children, perceived economic status, and unemployment of their children were effective variables in the old's life satisfaction. |