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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1973;11(2):166-188.
논문편 : 우리나라 민속무의 복식구조에 관한 연구
A study on the structure ofter dress, arrangement and costume on the Korean folk dance
Bok Nam Ko
This thesis chiefly to investigate and study about the historic transition of the dress and ornament which is based on the costume of the folk dance. The folk dance is devide into the styled of the Court and common people I. Investigated and studied on the description of Hak-mu (the crane), Ryun-wha-dae (the lotus blossom) and chu-yong dance (a mask drama) which are the typical models among the folk dance on the view of the scale and history of playing. This research materials are made on abstract of Ak-Hak-Gyae-Bum (the pattern of the music which was compiled by Sung-hyun on the King of Sung-Jong of Yi-dynasdty) and selected from the conservation material and playing in the National Classical Music Bureau nowadays. I am sure the understanding the style of common people is to investigate and research the folk dance which is specified and conserved by cultural property control Bureau. Generally Bong-San mask dance is the typical mask drama on the view of the scale and transmitted, which occupies the wide range of the folk dance. So I selected it as the research material. I am interested in the historic origin and the structure of the dress and ormant conserved till the nowadays and so can catch the hidden conception about the colour and concern of religion in the Korean peculiar living consciousness. From this point, the study of the classical folk costume is activated in this part and I hope this poor article will become a small assistance for another study.
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