Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(8):103-116.
유아교육기관 유형에 따른 교사 또래관계 및 아동 발달에 관한 연구
이영, 김명순
연세대학교 아동학과
A Study on Teacher and Peer Relationships and Child development in Kindergarten and Childcare Center
이영, 김명순
The purpose of this study was to explore leacher and peer relationships and child development in two types of early childhood program; halfway kindergarten and full-day childcare. The subjects were 90 four and half year old children and their teachers enrolled in 10 kindergartens and 20 childcare centers in Seoul. Each teacher evaluated her children with six scales developed by NICHD Early Child Care Research Network(1996); child-leacher relationship, peer relationship, social competence, adaptive language, behavior characteristics, and behavior problems. The data were analyzed by ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows: First, the girls in both programs had closer relationship with their teachers than the boys. The boys in the daycare were less dependent than those of kinder; on the other hand, the girls in the daycare were more dependent than those of kinder. Second, there was no significant difference in peer relationship between the children in both centers. Third, the girls of both centers scored higher than the boys in social competence. Fourth, in the child's adaptive language, both boys and girls were well developed, but girls were higher than boys, especially in kinder Fifth, the children in both centers behaved attentively in the groups, but in particular, the girths were more attentive. Finally, most of children were received low scores in the behavior problem scale