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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(7):95-110.
농촌 청소년이 지각한 농촌생활인식 생활스트레스 및 생활문제행동에 관한 연구 - 경기도 안성지역 고등학생을 대상으로 -
국립 한경대학교 생활관리학과
A study on the perceived life.daily life stress and life problem behavior of rural high school students
The purpose of this study is to analyze a relationship among the perceived rural life, daily life stress and life problem behavior of the rural adolescents. To Analyzed the relationships between the view on rural life, daily life stress and the life problem behavior, the survey was conducted on 366 rural high school students, during the period between July 1 to 9 in 1998. The major findings are summarized as follows; 1. Among the independent variables, the sex and the record influenced on the perceived rural life, daily life stress and life problem behavior. 2. There is the negative correlation between the view on rural life and the daily life stress. And also, there is the positive correlation between the daily life stress and the life problems behavior.
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