Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(6):23-40.
한국가족윤리 변천에 관한 연구
이정덕1, 김순옥2, 박허식3, 김경신4
동국대학교 가정교육과1, 성균관대학교 가정관리학과2, 청주대학교 신문방송학과3, 전남대학교 가정관리학과4
The Transformation of Family Ethics in Korea
이정덕1, 김순옥2, 박허식3, 김경신4
The aim of this study was to analysis the transformation of family ethics as appeared in Korean history. The contents of this study consist of two parts: literature reviews on the specific features of family ethics with lived history from the period of the Three States to 1950 decades and a survey research on family ethics and its transition after 1950 decades. For the latter, Questionnaires were distributed to the different each generations, from which 1194 data were obtained. The results can be summarized as follows: The transition of thought such as Buddhism, Confucianism and the change of economics condition are found to have impact on the family ethics in Korea. In contemporary history, The Korean War(6 25) had great influent on the change of the family ethics. Recently the conflict among the family members and family problems are influenced by the valiables such as generation and sex, especially with the changes of consciousness of feministic perspective. More over, while only miner change had appeared in Family Ethics during the society still remained in Eastern Value orientations before Cho-seon dynasty, the transformation Family Ethics seems to be the greatest with the cultural shock by the introduction of the Western Values depending on the religions and locality. Nevertheless, family-Centered orientations and confucianism(Hyo) have continued to remains as relatively important values.