Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(5):123-136.
도시여성노인의 주거환경 선호
홍형옥, 지은영
경희대학교 아동가족주거학과
Residential Preferences for Elderly Women in Urban Areas
홍형옥, 지은영
The purpose of this study was to suggest a future senior housing plan by examining the preference of aged women in urban areas. The subjects were 465 elderly women in Seoul and statistics employed for the analysis were frequencies, means, Chi-square test, multiple regression analysis. Results were as follows : The respondents prefered senior housing located in suburbs. The most important locational factors were accessibility to garden and the aged women wanted living 20 minutes apart by walking or driving from their children's house. There was a tendency of moving toward three-generation house sharing kitchen and enterence with their children or assisted living which cared by warden as they get senile -living alone, poor income and poor health condition-.