도시가계의 재무관리와 재정만족도의 영향변수에 관한 연구 |
이상협 |
동국대학교 가정교육과 |
The Factors Affecting Financial Management and Financial Satisfaction of Housewives in Seoul |
이상협 |
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among selected socioeconomic variables(age, household income, education duration; perceived income adequacy, gap between living standards and level), financial management and financial satisfaction. The sample size is 298 interviewee, and the unit of analysis is household in Seoul. Results of the study indicate that perceived income adequacy is significantly related to financial management. And perceived income adequacy, household income, gap between living standards and level, and age are significantly related to financial satisfaction. Although perceived income has an indirect effect on financial through financial management, but indirect effect is too small, financial management is not examined as intervening variable. |