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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(3):157-174.
환경지향적 소비자행동에 관한 연구 - 제주시 주부를 대상으로 -
김영재, 김정숙
제주대학교 자연과학대학 가정관리학과
A study on the Environment Oriented Consumer Behavior of Housewives -As Related to Wives in Cheju City-
김영재, 김정숙
The purpose of this study is to investigate かe factors related to the environment-oriented consumer behavior, and to analyze the effects of environmental knowledge, perception of environmental problems, and environment-oriented attitude on the environment-oriented consumer behavior. The data used in this study were collected through questionnaires on 535 wives living in Cheju City. The data were analvzed by using SPSS WIN program. The summaries of this study are as follows. Using behaviors was influenced by age and family income, but buying and disposing behavior are not influenced by socio-economic variables of wives. Environmental knowledge only has effects on disposing behaviors, and environment-oriented attitude behavior has effects on buying, using, and disposing behavior. But the perception of environmental problems hasn't effects on them. Wives' environment-oriented behavior are more effected by environment-oriented attitude than perception of environmental problems. In buying behavior, environment-oriented attitude is the most influential factor, and the reference group is the second influential factor. But in disposing behavior, the reference group is the most influential factor, and environment-oriented attitude is かe second influential factor.
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