Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(2):73-84.
중국 가정학의 발달과 현황
문숙재1, 조성은2
이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 소비자 ·인간발달학과1, 인간생활환경연구소 연구원2
The Development and The Current Condition of Home Economics in China
문숙재1, 조성은2
There are a lot of thoughts and ideas for home, family and household in China. These thoughts and ideas hand down to posterity through classics. But, Home Economics in China doesn't have been condition of development. Home Economics in China regularly began to develop from the department of Home Science in a Women's College in SangHae. Talking this opportunity, there were departments of Home Science in many universities and colleges 1919 to 1930. But, the studies of Home Economics was discontinue by The Revolution of Culture. In that time, Home Economics was considered as a false science. In 1979, Home Economics in China began again after enforcement of the Innovation and The Open Door Policy. But up to the present it isn't systematically made up of the studies and the scientific papers of Home Economics. The department of Home Economics is only one in the College of Gillim-Agriculture. But, the objects of study in Home Economics include not only women but also men in China. Also, Home Economics in China is started first in Socialism Countries.