Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1999;37(1):29-44.
Consumers' Pro-Environmental Attitude and Behavior
민현선, 이기춘
The objectives of this study are (1) to identify sub-areas of the pro-environmental behavior, (2) to examine the level of the pro-environmental attitude and behavior, (3) to examine the degree of inconsistency between attitude and behavior, and (4) to investigate the reasons of the inconsistency. Data was collected from the questionnares with 299 married men and 378 married women and the deep interviews with 10 married women. The major findings are follows : (1) The pro-environmental behavior can be classified into 2 sub-areas : social-oriented area and individual-oriented area. (2) The level of pro-environmental attitude and behavior in the social-oriented area is lower than those in individual-oriented area. (3) The attitude-behavior inconsistency in the social-oriented sub-area is stronger than that in the individual-oriented sub-area. (4) The reasons of the pro-environmental attitude-behavior inconsistency are the lack of the sincere environmental consciousness and the existence of the pro-environmental behavior restriction factors.