Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(12):115-127.
노부모가 지각한 성인자녀에 대한 감정과 교류에 관한 연구
원광대학교 가정관리학과
A Study on Elderly Parent's Perception of Emotion and Interchange with their Adult Children
The purpose of this study intended to fully understand from the point of view of the elderly parent's satisfaction in the living to adult children. The subject of this study was elderly parent's over 55 years old whom live in Iksan. The sample was composed of 146 cases. The data were analyzed using SPSS statistic program. The major findings were as follows : 1) The effective indicator was related economic parts ; earns, the cost of living, educational background, sex, affection. 2) The affection related between elderly parent's and adult children was found to be high and the conflict between them was found to be low. 3) The economic interchange between elderly parent's and their adult children was influenced by religion, cohabitance with adult children. The effective indicator was conflict and dependent emotions. The serviced interchanges was influenced by spouse, sex, earns.