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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(11):231-250.
남북한 생활문화의 이질화와 통합 (2) - 북한의 가족 , 아동 , 소비 , 시간 생활 조사분석을 중심으로 -
서울대학교 소비자학과
South and North Korean Living Cultures : Their Differences and Integration (II)
Living culture, which is a pattern of peoples' everyday living, is influenced by the socio-economic conditions as well as ideology of the society. South and North Korean societies have been segregated during the past 50 years with different socio-economic conditions and idelogies, resultsing different living cultures, even though those two societies share the same traditional culture. This project was developed to identify the differences in living cultures between South and North Korean societies, and to make suggestions for their successful integration. The second part of the project was concentrated on finding out the current living culture of North Korean families. Based on indepth interview with ten people who escaped from North Korea after 1990, empirical survey with 158 subjects was conducted. The subjects with various demographic backgrounds were asked about lifestyles concerning family living, child rearing, consumption, time management that they experienced when they were in North Korea. This study revealed differences in many aspects of living cultures of South and North Korea, and relationships were suggested in four lifestyles. This study was intended to provide ground for more information to the following study that will explore the cue of integration between South and North Korean societies in living culture.
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