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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(10):145-160.
가족가치관의 세대별 비교연구 - 노년 , 중년 , 청소년세대를 중심으로 -
전남대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과
The family value orientations among adolescent, middle and old generation
The purposes of this research were to find out general trends of family value orientations among adolescent, middle and old generation and to investigate the differences according to related variables. For this study, three kinds of questionnaire were used and the data were obtained through 1194 samples of three generation groups living in Seoul and Kwangju. The traditional trends of old generation's value orientations were outstanding while adolescents relatively showed modernized value orientations. The value differences between adolescent and middle generation were larger than between middle and old generation. Especially value orientations of children and sex-role were largely changed, but familism was relatively preserved even in adolescent generation. The family value orientations differed significantly according to gender, age, eduaction level, income, occupation, and family type. Generally middle and adolescent women showed more modernized value orientatons than men and value orientations of three generation were most likely to be correlated with family satisfaction level.
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