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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(10):35-48.
기혼 남성들의 가사노동 참여 유형에 관한 사례 연구 - 맞벌이 부부를 중심으로 -
이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 인간생활환경연구소 연구원
A Case Study of Husbands' Housework Type-focused on dual-earner couples-
The Korean family is changing. The growth in dual-earner households has been the 'revolution' of the century, implying inevitable modification of the role division in marriage toward greater symmetry of responsibility for breadwinning and homemaking. So, the purpose of this study is to understand husbands' housework and to investigate the change of the husbands' housework. This means to investigate how the husband is related to housework. For these research purpose, 60 dual-earner couples were deeply interviewed. The major discussions of this study can be summarized as follows: There are four types of housework in men's work, the type of refusal, the type of avoidance, the type of inevitability, and the type of participation. These types are taken order to understand change in housework is women's work. Men in the type of avoidance in household work is 25%, they have a tendency to avoid housework with making any excuses. People in the type of inevitability is 20%. These men are compelled to work in household owing to circumstances beyond control. 13% of couples is type of participation. These have a new idea of housework. They don't get the gender role division. They can become a good husband. and eventually solve conflicts and problems in couples.
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