Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(5):29-46.
소비자 정보탐색 요소에 따른 소비자 만족
건국대학교 소비자·주거학과
Consumer Satisfaction According to Consumer's Information search Elements
This study investigates how the consumers utilize the elements of information search and how consumers are satisfied with them. For this study, drives who have bought their own cars in two years were chosen for subjects of investigation. And samples were interviewed with an organized questionaire from July 8 to July 27, 1996. 300 samples were used for the final analysis. The major results from this study are as follows. 1) In general information search, consumers get a great deal of information from a talk their friends, neighbors, or colleagues, and they obtain information from an experienced person or a professional. In using sources of information search, they made the best use of their experiences, which is the sources of internal information, and for the second, they used advertising and the explanation of a salesman. In using the contents of information search, they made the best use of information about the merits and demerits in each attribute. In using the method of information search, the mixed search 1 method was used the most, and the attribute search method was used. 2) The casual relationship between the general satisfaction for the products and the relative variable was investigated. An age, the time pressure, the information of the products had a direct and indirect influence on the general for the products. The perceived risk, the number of inquiring activity, a shop and the buying method had a direct influence on the general for the products. An indirect influence was showed in the general satisfaction for the products through the medium of inquiring activity, a shop, and buying method.