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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(5):151-166.
남녀 고등학생이 인식한 실천적 문제 중심 가정과 수업의 효과
Effects of Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Instruction Perceived by Both Female and Male High School Students.
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of a practical problem-based instruction(PPBHEI) perceived by female and male high school students. One Group post-test only design was used in this quasiexperimental study. The experimental group of the study was 101(67 male and 34 female) second grade students of a high school in Kyung Kee Area. The Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Instruction had been conducted to the group during the 14th weeks of 1997 spring semester. Post-test including the two parts was conducted at the end of the semester. The instrument of the study was developed and used, based on the previous literature after testing validity and reliability by the researcher. The questionnaire was composed of open-ended question. The data of this study were analyzed by content analysis. The results were as follows: 1)both female and male respondents indicated PPBHEI helped to improve their friendships(93.1%), expression skills(69.3%), their thinking ability(82.1%), and problem soiving skills(76.2%); 2)both female and male respondents indicated that problems of PPBHEI were that a few students didn't like joining the class and classroom space was too small; and 3)half of students(52.3%) perceived the Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Instruction related to student achievement.
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