Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(5):59-74.
협동학습법을 적용한 가정과 학습지도안 모형 개발 : 중학교 가정의 인간발달과 가족관계 영역을 중심으로
이화여자대학교 교육대학원 가정교육과
Home Economics Lesson Plan Model Development Based on Cooperative Learning Stategy : Focusing on Human Development and Family Relations Area
Home economics lesson plan model was developed based on cooperative learning stategy focusing on human development and family relations area. The cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that meets the challenge of helping students master home economics content objectives by acquiring and practicing the social skills that are essential in life for satisfactory relationships with peers, families, coworkers, and others in society. Through cooperative learning, students can satisfy their needs for friendship, power, belongs, and fun. Practical problems were selected in human development and family relations area for middle school students assuming that home economics is critical science. Lesson plans were developed according to the practical problems, "what should we do regarding the effective communication between family membersulcorner".ner".uot;.