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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(2):121-130.
블루진의 설계와 피복압에 관한 연구
영남대학교 의류학과
The Study on Construction of Blue Jeans & Pressure
The purpose of this study was construction of bell-bottom blue jeans according to change of flare line and investigate the effects clothing pressure according to various movements of the legs. In this study, movements of leg were classified by M1, M2, M3, M4.(M1:erecting, M2: leapfrogging position, M3:sit-on-one' keens position, M4:Traditional nobel-sitting position) The results were as follows: As usings the leg surface shell by the adhesive paper taping method, basic slacks pattern and blue jeans patterns according to change of flare line was constructed. The order of clothing pressure of the different patterns is C(the flare line is on the calf of the leg)>B(the flare line is on the knee)>A(the flare line is on the thigh). Clothing pressure in the knee point was highest and when the flare line was on the calf of the leg, clothing pressure showed high.
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