Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(2):61-76.
일본 천수국만다라수장 복식에 관한 연구
A Study on the Costume of Japanese 天壽國曼茶羅繡帳 (tianshouguomancharaxiuzhang)
This is a result of the comparative study for the dress and ornaments of Cheonsuguk Mandara Sujang(天壽國曼茶羅繡帳, a folding screen of Japan in the 7th century) with that of the era of the Three Kingdoms of the ancient Korea. The style of dress, and a way of wearing dress and ornaments for female and male appeared in Cheonsuguk Mandara Sujang were same as that of the era of the Three Kingdoms of the ancient Korea. The formula of wearing dress in a two-pieces were also identical with that of Korean. Many Japanese scholars also do not deny that the dress and ornaments of Cheonsuguk Mandara Sujang were affected by that of Korean peninsula which had an important effect on cultural and ethnic customs fo Japan. Therefore, it is concluded that the dresses in Cheonsuguk Mandara Sujang are Korean clothes which was imparted to Japanese by Korean lived in the era of the Three Kingdoms.