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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(2):47-60.
개인적 요인 및 환경적 요인이 청소년의 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
부산대학교 가정관리학과
The effects of personal and environmental factors on adolescent' self-esteem
The effects of personal(gender, physical growth) and environmental(communication with parent, intimacy of friendship, school performance, and satisfaction of school-life) factors on adolescent's self-esteem were examined in a samlpe of 525 first and second grades in middle school. The subdomains of the self-esteem were peer-related self, home self, teacher-related self, academic self, physical appearance self, physical competence self, personality self, and general self. T-test, Pearson's correlation, and regression were used as statistical analysis. Results were as follows. First, there was evidence of a gender difference in the level of the subsdomains of self-esteem: teacher-related, physical-appearance, physical-competence, and personality. Second, the factor which was the most powerful predictor of each subdomain of the self-esteem was as follows 1) the most powerful predictor of the peer-related self was the intimacy of friendship, 2) the most powerful predictor of the home self was the communication with parent, 3) the most powerful predictor of the teacher-related self was the satisfaction of school-life, 4) the most powerful predictor of the academic self was the school performance, 5)the most powerful predictor of the physical-appearance self, the physical competence self, and the personality self was the satisfaction of school-life, 6) the most powerful predictor of the general self was the school performance.
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