Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):221-238.
논문편 : 소비자의 환경친화적 행동과 관련요인 분석
호남대학교 생활과학과
Pro-environmental behavior of consumer and its related factors
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which influence on the propensity for pro-environmental consumer behavior. the data used in this study included 712 married women living in Seoul and Kwangju. Statistics used for data analysis were Reliability, t-test, one-way Anova, and Multiple Regression Analysis. According to the results of the regression, the relative importance of variables are in order of; pro-environmental behavior degree of reference group, residential district, ecological value orientation, economic value orientation, convenience-centric value orientation, type of dwelling, the adequacy of community resource, education experience of environment and their explanatory power totalled 30.35%. The result of this study coude be attributed to develop the environmental policy and education program to enhance of pro-environmental behavior. First, Economic approach and ecological approach toward the environmental affairs are not incompatible; indeed, they are may be related. I resume that both of two alternatives are useful to environment policy. And, environmental education be effectively related to pro-environment behavior, life-education and sysmatic support must be provided.