Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):213-219.
논문편 : 신도시 아파트 거주자의 실내환경 쾌적성 평가
연세대학교 주거환경학과
Evaluating Comfort of Indoor Environment Based on Residents' Responses
The purpose of this study is to propose a model for evaluating comfort of indoor environment based on residents' subjective respones. The questionnaire survey was given to the residents at apartment complex located in Ilsan, Kyunggi-Do. The following are the results obtained in this thesis. The results of path analysis on comfort revealed that direct effects to comfort were the satisfaction on thermal environment, indoor air environment and sound environment, and the cognition on indoor air environment and sound environment. An evaluation formula of comfort by the factors of direct effects was given. This formula is recommended to evaluate comfort for pp.O.E(post occupancy evaluation)by residents.