Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):195-211.
논문편 : 소비자문제 및 불만족에 따른 대응행동
건국대학교 소비자·주거학과
The Consumer Complaining Behavior according to Consumer Problems and dissatisfaction
This thesis is conducted a survey of consumer problems and dissatisfaction and their complaining behavior. It analyzes the complex and varied consumer problems and dissatisfactions, then minimizes them and motivates active response. Also, this thesis is intended to provide fundamental study that may be used for the formulation of consumer protection polices. For this purpose, questionary survey method was used and the sample was taken from 603 housewives lives in Seoul. The major results of the study are summarized as follows; 1) Quality of product was the most frequent problem among consumer problems and dissatisfaction. 2) The level of consumer complaining behavior was 50.69/100 which is a little above median point. Non-complaining behavior was the most frequent, and followed by private/public behavior, public behavior and private behavior. 3) Path analysis of the variables affecting complaining behavior showed total causal effect to be biggest for degree of information search. The experience of consumer problems and dissatisfaction of consumers caused positive effect though causal relation.