Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):177-194.
논문편 : 소비자 정보의 내용별 요구도와 관련변수들간의 인과모형 분석
인하대학교 가정대학 소비자아동학과
The Analysis of the Causal Model of the Needs for Consumer Information Contents and Related Variables
This study attempts to explore urban married women's needs for consumer information contents. In addition, the causality of the needs for consummer information contents and related variables is investigated. Major findings are the following: (1) Respondents' need for information on“the product selection”and “the use and management”of the washing maching or hair dryer is high, while the in need for the information on“the existing brands”is very low. (2) Among several relevent characteristics, respondents' product involvement is strongly related to the needs for consumer information contents. (3) The results of the analysis of casual model from washing maching showed that respondents' age, purchasing experience, perception of the price dispersion and quality difference, self confidence in the product evaluation affect on the need for consumer information contents directly. While respondents' income and education level show a indirect effect. (4) The results of the analysis of causal model from hair dryer showed that respondents' perception of the price dispersion, quality difference and product complexity affect on the need for consumer information contents directly. While respondents' age, purchasing experience, self-confidence in the product evaluation show a indirect effects.