Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):163-175.
논문편 : 어머니의 언어통제유형과 아동의 내외통제성 , 사회적 능력과의 관계
동의대학교 가정관리학과
Mother's Verbal Control Modes, Children's Internal-External Control, and Children's Social Competency
This study investigated the relationship between mother's verbal control modes and children's social competency, the relationship between mother's verbal control modes and children's internal-external control, and the relationship between children's internal-external control and children's social competency. The subjects of this study were 157 boys and 144 girls attending elementary schools and their mothers in Busan. Lee's(1993) questionnaire on mother's verbal control modes, the modified version of Nowicki and Strickland's CN-SIE on internal-external control and Choi's(1992) questionnaire on social competence were used. The results were as follows: 1) The mothers control their children mostly by position-oriented mode. And mother's imperative mode for boys differed significantly from that for girls. Boys perceived mother's verbal control mode as more imperative. 2) There were significant negative correlations between mother's imperative mode and boy's social competency, between mother's imperative mode and boy's anxiety, and between mother's imperative mode and boy's internal-external control and boy's social competency, and between boy's internal-external control and boy's leadership. There were significant correlations between mother's position-oriented mode and girl's leadership, between mother's position-oriented mode and girl's, affection on parents, between mother's position-oriented mode and girl's internal-external control. There were significant negative correlations between girl's internal-external control and girl's anxiety. 3) Children's internal-external control was the predictor variable influencing on children' social competency, children's leadership. Children's sex was the predictor variable influencing on children' anxiety. And the mother's imperative mode and the mother's position-oriented mode were the predictor variables influencing on children' affection on parents.