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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):73-102.
논문편 : 초혼계모의 재혼가족생활 스트레스와 적응에 대한 경험적 연구
The Experience of the first-married stepmother's stress and adaptation to her stepfamily
The purpose of this study was to identify the specific and empirical contents in terms of first-married stepmother about her stress and efforts to adapt to her stepfamily. This studies relied on the qualitative research method in order to approach stepmother's subjective experience. There were 6 stepmother respondents who were 6 first-marrieds living in Seoul or Kyoungki area. The data was collected by in-depth personal interview.‘Open coding process’, a part of grounded theory procedures were used to analyzed the data. The major findings can be summarized as follows: 1. When focused o stressors, the stress of stepmothers were categorized into 4 categories. Those were the following: 1 When focused on stressors, the stress of stepmothers were categorized into 4 categories. Those were the following: (1) Stepmother's own problem such as stepmother' identity problem; (2) Problems within stepfamily such as problems about relations with husbands, stepchildren, and her own children; (3) Problems of stepmother family's kin such as relational problems with former spouses, in-laws, and her parent; (4) Problems of social relationship such as isolation and alienation in social relationship and neighbors' prejudice about stepmother. 2. In overcoming stress from stepfamily life and adapting to it, 4 categories were identified as important. Contents of 4 categories were such like this: (1) Stepmother's own efforts - (a) give a positive meaning to marriage or remarriage (b) flexible personality (c) situation-accepting attitude (d) exclusive management of household income (e) job (f) perseverance for time to adaptation; (2) Positive feedback within stepfamily - (a) supportive husband (b) sense of unity as a couple (c) psychological reward from stepchildren (d) existence of stepmother's own child (e) behavior for family solidarity (f) family-centered religious life; (3) Stepfamily's relationship with former spouses such as breakdown in relationship with ex-wives or ex-husbands; (4) Support from stepmothers' kin and people in social network with stepmothers. It was concluded that to reduce stress and to help adapt to stepfamily, stepmother should make an effort, and that her stepfamily and her kin should cooperate and support. In addition, negative stereotype of stepmother and stepfamily should disappeared. It was suggested that studies on stepfamily should be vitalized and that programs for preparing remarriage and counseling for stepfamily should be spread.
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