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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(5):33-48.
논문편 : 남녀공통필수 과목으로의 전환에 따른 중학교 가정전공 교사와 비전공 지원교사에 의한 「 가정 」 교과교육 운영 현황에 대한 조사연구
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
A research on the implementation of home economics education by home economics majored and other subject majored Teachers
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of self-confidence and satisfaction level in teaching home economics between home economics majored teachers(HET) and other subject majored teachers(OST). The subjects of this study were 192 home economics teachers randomly selected from 96 middle schools all over the country. The data was collected from 16, september to 12, October, 1996, and was analyzed with descriptive statistics, crosstables, and t-test using SAS program. The major finding were as follows: 1) In general, home econimics is taught mostly by OST in boy' middle school. 92% of OST is employed in boy' middle school and 89.13% of them is employed in private boy' middle school. 2) OST had less in-service experiences than HET on sixth revised curriculum, and had lower recognition than HET on the goal, content, teaching method, evaluation of home economics. 3) There were significant difference on the level of self-confidence and satisfaction in teaching home economics between HET and OST.
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