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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(4):159-172.
논문편 : 동작적합성에 따른 Slacks Pattern 설계에 관한 연구 [ Part 2 ] - 엉덩이 부위를 중심으로 -
계명전문대학 의상과
A Study on the Slacks Pattern Making according to the Movement-Fitness [Part II] -On the Hip Region-
The purpose of this study was to investigate the slacks pattern making on the movement -fitness of the hip region. The experimental items were divided into the 5 lower limb movements(M1-M5) and the 12 revision pattern constructions of slacks. This study was done by clothing pressure test sensory evaluation test and the difference shape-transformation of wearing-slacks. The summarized finding resulted from experiments and investigation are suggested as follows: First by the clothing pressure tested by lower limb movements the clothing pressure score of the rabbit leap movement(M3) was the highest of all lower limb movements and the order of it in the another movement was the sit on knee(M4) the sit on chair(M2) the noble sitting(M5) from the highest to the lowest. And in comparision of clothing pressure tested by revision pattern to cover the extend of crotch-length 20。 inclined back-line construction method (CA4) showed the lowest. And in comparision of clothing pressure tested by revision pattern to cover the extend of crotch-length 20。 inclined back-line construction method (CA4) showed the lowest. And also for a role to cover hip circumference extendign CC4(1/5 hip.1cm longrightarrow linked back -line) method showed the lowest. Second by the sensory evaluation test based on the movement and revision patterns it was found that the functional factor score of the rabbit leap movement was the lowest in all movement however the score of revision patterns were higher than basic pattern. Third by the test to show difference in the shape-transformation of wearing-slacks on chair(M2) also need to be analyzed. The ration of the shape-transformation of the knee region showed the least value in the increased patterns of inclined angle of back-line(CA) and the differential methods of back-line inclined pattern making. But that of the hem-line did not show remarkable difference.
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