Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(3):307-318.
논문편 : 여학생 복식이 한복변천에 끼친 영향에 관한 연구
명지대학교 생활과학부 의류학 전공
A study on the affect to the transition of Korean clothing of the clothing of girl students
I observed the important factors of clothing transition - Changes of Korean clothing & reception of Western-style dress - through the survey of the clothing of girl students during the period of enlightenment(1900∼1945) in this study as follows. 1) Stop to use of a long hood an old-fashioned woman shawI(once used to cover th head and upper body when going out). 2) Appearance of same colored Korean costume of the upper and lower sides. 3) Appearance of a short seamless one-piece skirt with a pair of shoulder girdles. 4) Appearance of school uniform, upper white lower black-Korean costume. 5) Appearance of school uniform, Western style. 6) Appearance of sports-wear. 7) Reformation of under-wear. 8) Appearance of short hair. 9) Appearance of socks & stockings and shoes.