Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(3):245-257.
논문편 : 효규범에 대한 사적인 고찰 - 호혜성 및 공정성을 중심으로 -
서울대학교 소비자아동학과
Historical Review on Filial Piety Norm -focus on Reciprocity and Fairness-
The purpose of this study is to interpretate filial piety norm based on reciprocity and fairness. For this goal, we reviewed literature related to social, economical, and cultural situations, centered on the middle of the seventeenth century. The major results can be summerized as follow: The interaction between the parent generation and the married adult children generation changed according to the context of particular social, economical, and cultural conditions, so filial piety norm must also change paced along with social change. Therefore, the concepts of reciprocity and fairness has been an important one which maintains the quality of the relationship between the parent generation and the married adult children generation. So in general, we think it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that there are reciprocity and fairness principle between the parent generation and the married adult children generation.