Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(3):221-230.
논문편 : 주택규모 및 가족생활주기에 따른 수납물량의 차이와 이에 따른 수납공간 계획 - 침실과 현관 수납물을 중심으로 -
연세대학교 생활과학대학 주거환경학과
A study on the Quantitative Differences of the Stored Items of apartment Residents and Design of the Storage Space
This study attempts to examine the average number of stored items of apartment residents composed of 4 family members and to compare the quantitative differences of the stored items according to the apartment size and the stage of life-cycle. The finding shows that the number of items stored in apartments increases as the size of apartments and the stag of life-cycle of husband and wife living in the apartments of more than 180m2 increase approcimately twice, compared to those in the apartments of less than 83m2. Therefore, the storage space in apartments should be designed more effectively considering the change of the stored items in relation to of the apartment size and their stage of life-cycle. This study suggests the specific design of the built-in closets for clothings, sheets, accessories and shoes based on the number of the items.