논문편 : 부부간 가사노동분담과 공평성 인지도가 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 |
문숙재 |
이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 가정관리학과 |
The Effects of the Division of Household Labor in Couples and the Sense of Fairness on Marital Satisfaction |
문숙재 |
This study investigated the pattern of division of household labor between married couples and the determining variables of the division of household work. In addition, this study examined the effect of the pattern of the division of household work and the sense of fairness on marital satisfaction. Two hundreds forty two married couples living near seoul were selected. Both wives and husbands reported their daily time-use pattern. According to the results, flexibility of husbands' work schedules hours of market work of husbands, husbands' sex role attitudes, and the presence of household assistant affected significantly on the extent of household work time. In addition, husbands' household work time had direct effects on marital satisfaction of couples. In wives' hours of household labor, the significant variables were wives' employment status, presence of younger children, total income, wives' sex role attitudes, and hours of household labor performed by housework assistant. In addition, wives' sense of fairness had impact significantly on marital satisfaction. |