Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(1):307-318.
논문편 : 체형에 따른 선의 시각적 효과에 관한 연구 1
영남대학교 의류학과
A Study on the visual effects of the line according to body shapes I
The purpose of this study is to survey differences of visual effects for location the york line. According to three types of body shapes(average, small & thin small & fat)for location of the york line We investigated the visual effects and optical illusion by slider and the results of data which analized by anova and duncan's multiple rannge are as follows. 1. In the A.V (average) body shapes design D1 was showed D1 was showed to be most remarkable in terms of optical illusion and design D2 was showed to be prefer in terms of visual sight. 2. In the S.T(small& thin) body shapes design D1 was showed to be most remarkable in terms of optical illusion but from the side view of looking thinness design D4 was showed to be nogative and from preference of visual sight design D4 was showed to be most negative. 3. In the S.F(small& fot) body shapes design D1 was showed to be most remarkable in terms of optical illusion and design D3 gained the bettle of superiority from the side view of looking tallness and design D3 was showed to be most negative in terms of the preference of visual sight.