Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(1):155-168.
논문편 : 아버지의 자녀양육참여도와 자녀의 보육상황에 대한 보육인지도가 아버지의 보육만족도에 미치는 영향
인하대학교 가정관리학과
The influence of fathers' childrearing participation and their recognition about child care situation on fathers' satisfaction with nonparental child care
This study explored the effect of fathers' childrearing participation and their recognition about child care situation on fathers' satisfaction with nonparental child care. The results of this study are as follows: First fathers who had finished college education whose family had more family income and whose wives had jobs were more participated in childrearing practice than fathers who had finished high school whose family had less family income and whose wives had no job, Second when childre's age were over 5 years fathers tended to recognize about child care situation. That is fathers whose children were over 5 years old more recognized about how caregivers took care for children's congnitive development and were more satisfied with educational materials of child care centers than fathers whose children were less 5 years old. Third fathers' recognition about child care situation were found to mediate the relationship between fathers' childrearing participation and fathers' satisfaction with nonparental child care.