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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(1):99-110.
논문편 : 아동기의 까다로운 기질 연구
수원대학교 생활과학대학 가정관리학과
A Study on the Difficult Temperament of Childhood-
This research was focused on the identification of difficult temperament of childhood. In order to identify the difficult temperament of childhood 336 of 3 and 6 graders were investigated. the difficult temperament of childhood was defined as the cahracteristics which were perceived as difficult for taking care of by mothers related to negative mother's attitude and related to the children's low competence. Mothers felt difficult in caring for the children with high activity and negative mood. Mothers showed negative attitude to the children with negative mood and low persistence. And the children with unpredictability and low persistence had lower perceived competence. In short high activity unpredictability negative mood and low persistence might be said as difficult temperament of childhood, These temperament categories-activity predictability mood and persistence-appeared as one factor in factor analysis. unpredictability negative mood and low persistency were shown as the difficult temperament in other studies but high activity should be examined more carefully.
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