Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1996;34(2):341-353.
논문편 : 주생활양식이 주택구매 의사결정에 미치는 영향분석 - 주택구매시 평가기준을 중심으로 -
대구효성카톨릭대회 가정관리학과
A Study on Housing Life-Style and Decision Making for Purchasing House
The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of demographic and housing life-style variables on evaluation or choice criteria to the decision making for purchasing house. The results of this research were as follows ; 1) In analysis on housing life-style according to demographic variables, it showed that the age group had significant difference in decoration pursuits ; the educational group had significant difference in self-expression ; the income group had significant difference in self-expression and interior function. 2) In analysis on evaluation or choice criteria of decision making for purchasing house according to demographic variables, it showed that : the age group had significant difference in surrounding environment ; the educational group had significant difference in interior environment, interior or exterior facilty, apartment management, economics and surrounding environment ; the income group had significant difference in avail of approach, convenience facilities, apartment management, economics and surrounding environment. 3) In analysis the influence of demographic and housing life-style variables on evaluation or choice criteria to decision making for purchasing house, it was effected on educational level, decoration pursuit, practicality and ostentation in interior environment ; decoration pursuit, self-expression, interior function and practicality in interior or exterior facility ; decoration pursuit, practicality and ostentation in avail ability of approach and convenience facilities ; self-expression, practicality and ostentation in apartment management and economics ; age level, income level, decoration pursuit, self-expression, practicality and ostentation in surrounding environment.