Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1996;34(3):327-343.
서울시 아파트 거주 중년기 가정의 생활실태와 문제 (5) - 부인에 대한 사례조사를 중심으로 -
한양대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과
Family Life Issues of Middle Aged Apartment-Residents in Seoul : Focused on Case Studies
This study is the last part of a collaborative study on the Family Life Issues of Middle aged Apartment-Residents in Seoul. This study is focused on case studies. The data were collected from 15 fulltime housewives who are in the upper-middle and the lower-middle families having at least one child in a middle or high school from Kangbuk and Kangnam areas. In this study, the whole family life issues were divided into the following 4 subareas ; 1. housewives' own life, 2. family life, 3. economic environments, 4. housing environments. The major result of this study is : the most important factor influencing the quality of life of the middle age family was the existence of children attending junior and senior high school, which brought various problems into the family with relation to self identity, time management and leisure of middle aged housewife, educational cost, shared family activities, housing space. Therefore the whole family life would be improved through the change of the current education system.