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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1996;34(3):157-171.
기혼여성의 취업여부 및 관련변인이 가족원의 만족도와 태도에 미치는 영향
전남대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과
The effects of married woman's employment condition and related variables on family members' satisfaction and attitudes
The purposes of this research were to investigate the general trends and differences of family members' satisfaction and attitudes related to mother's employment condition, to examine the correlations between every members' employment condition, to examine the correlations between every members' interactions, and to analyze the effects of related variables. To study these objectives, three kinds of questionnaire were used and the data were obtained through 780 parents and adolescents. The jmajor findings were as follows: 1) The general trends of family member's interactions showed that the score of relationship satisfaction between mother and adolescent was higher than father and adolescent. Nonemployed mothers and their children were more traditional in attitudes. 2) The correlations of family member's interactions were significant in satisfaction. Husband's occupational attitudes were related with wife's interactions were significant in satisfaction. Husband's occupational attitudes were related with wife's satisfaction, and parentadolescent attitudes were related each other in dual earner family. 3) Mother's marital satisfaction was affected by employment condition, communication satisfaction, husband's aid, support, satisfaction for employment condition, and father's was affected by communication satisfaction and wife's marital satisfaction. Adolescent's satisfaction with father was influenced by satisfaction with mother and mother's employment condition, and sex-role attitudes were influenced by employment condition and father's support.
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