Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1996;34(5):235-248.
논문편 : 식품표시에 대한 소비자 행동 연구
서울대학교 가정대학 소비자.아동학과
Analysis of Consumer Behavior on Using Food Label
The purpose of this study was to search for new food labeling system that would support effective consumer decision-making, by examining consumer behavior of food labels and its' related factors. The survey was conducted on 410 housewives under 60-year-old who live in Seoul or Metropolitan area, using questionnaires and the illustrated material of labels. Respondents generally considered food labels very important as devices. Among 12 items of label which are required to disclose, they evaluated circulation period, and nutritional information. Among 12 items of label, housewives read manufacture date, circulation period, and price more often than business admission number and self standard number. The respondents preferred the format of marking both manufacture date and expiration date on the same side, the format of printing both price and weight on the same side of package, the diagramatic type, and the format represented by ration graph per daily value.