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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1996;34(5):197-208.
논문편 : 소비자 의복관여와 소재평가기준에 관한 연구
우석대학교 의상학과
The Consumer's Clothing Involvement & Textile Evaluation Criteria
The study mainly focused on textile evaluation criteria and clarified the relationship between the levels of clothing involvement and demographic variables. Subjects were 459 women living in JeonJu. SPSS package was used to analyzed the data. The main findings of this research were as follows: 1. Textile evaluation criteria such as the high quality of textile, the component of fiber, the easeness of care, and the durability of fabrics were used for the jackets and the coats. As regards the blouses and the shirts, the easeness of care, the high quality of fabric, the component of fiber, and the comfort of wearing, the easeness of care and the shape for better looks influenced the decision making process of consumers. 2. The subjectives were categorized into three groups depending upon the clothing involvement level. They have shown significant differences from demographic factors such as age, marrige, education, and occupation.
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The Effect of Clothing Involvement on the Perceived Risk in Internet Shopping and Store Selection Criteria  2002 December;40(12)
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