Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(5):241-253.
취학전 아동의 주의력결핍 , 과잉활동장애 및 가족변인이 부모역할 , 가족기능지각에 미치는 영향
경북대학교 가정관리학과
Influences of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Family Variables on the Parents' Perception of Parental Role, Family Funtioning
The purpose of this study was to identify how th ADHD variable and family variables influence parents' perception of parental role, family functioning. Subjects were 478 preschoolers at the ages of 3-6 and their teachers and parents. The CTRS-10, the PSI, the FACESⅢ were used. The major findings were as follows ; 1) The variables which ae influential in parental strain were shown in order of the social psychological resource variables, the ADHD variable, and the social demographic variables. The sole ADHD variable's influence was high (β=.26***, increased R2=5.4%). 2) The variables which are influential in parental mastery were shown in order of the social psychological resource variables, the ADHD variable, and the social demographic variables. The sole ADHD variable's influence was high(β=.13*, increased R2=1.5%), also. 3) The variables which are influential in family cohesion and adaptability were shown in order of the social psychological resource variables, the social demographic variables. In both family cohesion and adaptability, the sole ADHD variables' influence was insignificant(β=-.08, increased R2=-0.3%, increased R3=-0.3%). Implications to knowledges as well as recommendations for future research are discussed.