Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(5):75-88.
소비자의 의복 구매성향과 구매기준에 관한 연구 - 슈트와 블라우스를 중심으로 -
성신여자대학교 의류학과
Consumer Clothing Shopping Orientations and Purchase Criteria -With a Suit and Blouse-
The objectives of this study were to classify the contents of clothing shopping orientation, to group women into shopper types, and to examine the differences in clothing purchase criteria according to the shopper types. Samples were 335 women(20-49 years of age) in Seoul, Korea. The data were analyzed using factor analysis, cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, X2 test, paired t-test, multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were the followings. 1. Five factors of clothing shopping orientation derived by factor analysis : F.1 'impulsive shopping' ; F.2 'rational shopping' ; F.3 'independent shopping' ; F.4 'economic shopping' ; F.5 'convenient shopping'. Three shopper types were classified by cluster analysis of the 5 factors : T.1 'convenient shopper' ; T.2 'impulsive shopper' ; T.3 'rational shopper'. 2. Significant differences were found among the 3 shopper types in all clothing purchase criteria. Rational shopper perceived all purchase criteria as more important than did the other 2 types. Impulsive shopper perceived 'fashion', 'attractiveness', 'style', and 'bland' as more important than did convenient shopper. 3. Married women and unemployed women were more distributed in rational shopper, while the unmarried and the employed more in impulsive shopper. Impulsive shopper used more credit care, purchased suits and blouses at department store and brand specialty store more than did rational shopper. Rational shopper purchased at discount store and wholesale store more than did impulsive shopper. 4. Women assessed 'color and fabric design' as most important in suit and blouse purchase criteria. 'Care' was perceived more important in blouses than in suits, and the other 9 purchase criteria(fashion, attractiveness, style, color and fabric design, fabric, durability, costruction, comfort, and brand) were perceived more important in suits than in blouses. 5. Rational and economic shopping orientation scores were higher in suit purchase than in blouse, while impulsive, independent, and convenient shopping orientation scores were higher in blouse purchase. 6. Post-purchase suit satisfaction was influenced by rational shopping orientation, educational level, style, income, and comfort. The explanatory power of the 5 variables was 17.2%. Post-purchase blouse satisfaction was influenced by style, care, rational shopping orientation, and independent shopping orientation. The explanatory power of the 4 variables was 10.2%.