Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(5):51-62.
가정복지면에서 본 미혼모 발생요인 및 예방대책에 관한 연구
숭의여자전문대학 가정과
A Study on the main causes and Prevention Policy of Unwed Mother from the Home-Welfare View
The purpose of this study is to prevent unwed mothers from the view of home-welfare. The main causes of unwed mothers should be reviewed part. The concrete reactions to solve this problem are possible by these studies even though this problem is very complicated related with the matters of individuals, families and our societies. The conclusion to prevent the unwed mothers is : (ⅰ) to establish the right sex morality through the education in families; (ⅱ) the society's role to share the responsibilities and care in single-parent families; (ⅲ) the right sex education in schools and society ; (ⅳ) the governmental aids to enlarge the number of consultation facilities and accomodation places for youths and women. Besides these attempts, the unwed mothers should be aware of the importance and responsibilities of their own and the baby's lives. The responsibility of society also should be focused from the point of family welfare.