Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(5):39-49.
세대별 소비지향태도와 소비자역할수행에 관한 연구
부산대학교 가정관리학과
A Study on the Intergenerrational Consumption-oriented attitude and consumer role performance
The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of intergenerational consumption-oriented attitude and consumer role performance. Major findings are as follows; 1) There is significant difference between the consumption-oriented attitudes of respective generations. The means of New generation are higher than the other generations especially in amusemental consumption-oriented attitude and tenacious consumption-oriented attitude. Baby-boomer generation is more interested in consumption than any other generation and has a rational consumption-oriented attitude. The older generation is passive to consumption and their consumption-oriented attitudes are those of amusement. 2) There is also the significant gap between the consumer role performance of generations. The means of new generation and older generation are higher in consumer role performances than other generations and are especially doing better in the roles of estimator and manager. 3) consumption-oriented attitudes illustrate the variation of consumer role performance and the stronger the rational or tenacious consumption-oriented attitude, the higher the consumer role performance and the higher the rational or tenacious consumption-oriented attitude, and the lower the passive consumption-oriented attitude, the higher the consumer performance. In purchaser and manager role, the more positive the consumption and the higher the rational consumption-oriented attitudes, the better the consumer role performance.