Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(3):255-264.
유아용 의류제품의 인체 안전성에 관한 연구 (2) - 유리 formaldehyde 의 유해성과 함량동향 -
건국대학교 생활문화대학 의상학과
Safety Studies on the Sanitary Goods for Infant Part2 : Formaldehyde Allergy and the Quantitative Analysis of Infant's Clothing
This study was the designed to measure skin irritation caused by clothing at free foraldehde have caused a substantial number of cases of dermatitis type. Free formaldehyde levels were observed in infant's sanitatized goods9disposable diapers, cotton-diapers and under wear etc.) at 1992, 1994. The amount of free formaldehyde was measured by means of Acetyle Acetone method(KS K 0611). As the resort, underwear generally gave the highest free formaldehyde level, but disposable diapers and cotton diapers showed the lowest level. The formaldehyde level in intan's clothing lowered in 1994 than 1992, after the enforcement of the level in intant's clothing lowered in 1994 than 1992, after the enforcement of the formaldehyde level control. it was found that 38.7% of infant's sanitatized goods still exceeded th controlled level(A-Ao : 0.05) In the future, research to lower the amount of formaldehyde released form fabrics will also lead to decreased incidence of garment formaldehyde sensitivity. The possibility of a consumer suffering is being in convenienced form a textile-related skin problem will be even lower than it has been in the past.