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Human Ecology Research > Volume 62(4); 2024 > Article
Human Ecology Research 2024;62(4):671-687. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/her.2024.047
사티어 이론에 기반한 중학교 가정과 의사소통 프로그램 개발
박희진1 , 최새은2
1선린중학교 교사
2한국교원대학교 교수
Development of a Satir Model-Based Communication Program in Home Economic Education for Middle School Students
Hee Jin Park1 , Saeeun Choi2
1Sunrin Middle School, Teacher
2Department of Home Economics Education, Korea National University of Education, Professor
Corresponding Author: Saeeun Choi ,Tel: +82-43-230-3734, Fax: +82-43-231-4087, Email: saeeun@knue.ac.kr
Received: July 4, 2024; Revised: September 20, 2024   Accepted: September 30, 2024.
This study sought to address the challenges adolescents face in interpersonal relationships and communication, emphasizing the importance of communication education for their development. Its principal aim was to develop a communication program for middle school home economics education (HEE) based on Satir theory through a process comprising a literature review, program development, and expert evaluation. The program was designed using Satir's iceberg model, highlighting the reciprocal relationship between communication and self-esteem. Its purpose is to enhance self-esteem and communication through self-awareness. The program consists of 8 sessions, 22 activity sheets, 6 video clips, 2 books, 1 music source, 3 online teaching tools, and teacher reading materials. It was finalized after being validated by 9 HEE education experts. The significance of the program lies in the fact it introduces a communication curriculum that can be integrated into middle school education, a critical period for stabilizing communication habits and forming identity. Furthermore, it demonstrates the potential for HEE to offer interconnected lessons that emphasize both self-esteem and communication, addressing previously overlooked aspects by incorporating key elements of Satir theory. Future research should focus on implementing this program in classrooms to evaluate its effectiveness. Additionally, to enhance its practical application, it is essential to improve HEE teachers' understanding of Satir theory through targeted training or professional development.
Keywords: Virginia Satir, communication, self-esteem, middle school home economics education
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