A Study on Preferance and Using of Aster scaber
Myung-Sun Kim, Oh, Yun-Jae
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2009;47(8):109-117.
Perception and Utilization of Salted Seafood in Korean Women
In-Kyung Jung, Kim, Ji-Eun, Kim, Jung-Hyun
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2009;47(6):11-20.
The Preference and Utilization of Green Tea and its Products of Adults in Chonbuk Area
Yang, Hyang-Sook, Rho, Jeong-Ok
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2006;44(9):21-29.
The Behavior of Space Occupancy as Demonstrated caused by Activities of Daily Living of Residents in Group Homes for Elderly People
Ok-Hee An, Lim, Hi-Kyung
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2006;44(7):177-188.
A Qualitative Research about the CRM Experiences of Apparel Brand Customers
Eun-Ju Ko, Lee, Joo-Yun, Yun, Hye-Lim
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2006;44(5):21-33.
Internet Use of Adolescents according to their Life Content and Type
Na, Young-Joo, Hwang, Jin-Sook, Lee, Eun-Hee, Koh, Seon-Ju, Park, Sook-Hee
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2005;43(12):15-28.
Parent-Child Communication, Peer-Relationship and Internet Addiction in Children
Youn Hwa Kim, Chong, Young Sook
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2005;43(10):103-114.
The Study on Typology of Internet Shopping Style in Internet Shopping Mall Users
Hyejung Cheon, Moon Sook-jae, Lee Youn Hee
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2005;43(9):1-13.
Factors that Affect the Use and Expenditure of Households for Childhood Education and Care Centers
Ji Kyung Kim
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2005;43(6):47-60.
A comparative Study on Media Environments and Media use of Korean-Chinese, Chinese, and Korean Adolescents
Hye-Won Park, Jungsook Koo, Bokhee Cho
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2005;43(2):159-174.
Using Behavior of Corridor and Lounge at the Residence Floor in Skilled Nursing Facilities for the Elderly
Min-Ah Lee, Ryu, Ok-Soon
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2004;42(11):31-45.
A Survey on Perception and Usage of Bizi(Soybean Curd Residue)
오옥희, 한재숙
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2004;42(3):17-26.
The Relationships between Shopping Styles, Promotion Usage, and Consequential Switching Behaviors
Kyung-Ae Park, Lee, Young-Mi
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):93-103.
A Study on the Perceived Seriousness of the Consumer Problem between E-commerce Users and Non-Users - Focused on University Consumers -
류미현, 이승신
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(8):19-31.
Analyzing Consumer Behavioral Characteristics with Sales Promotion Orientation: Differences in Shopping and Promotion Usage Behaviors
이영미, 박경애
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(4):45-56.
Food culture research of Gwangju and Chollanamdo area(II) - In Particular Food -
김경애, 정난희, 전은례
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(3):181-196.